Digital Lifestyles (DL) has a number of articles about the BBC's digital plans.
First it questions whether Freesat will be anything more than a spoiler for BSkyB. Judging by my constituency, where most people cannot get Freeview, Freesat is a goer, but the BBC needs to get on with it. The hostility to the Corporation's recent licence fee bid was significant: there is a real sense of injustice that those who can't get Freeview are expected to pay the same as those who can.
DL also reviews the BBC's Interative Media Player:
My verdict - I give it a thumbs up as long as a large enough library of content can be made available.
There is also coverage of the BBC's online film showcase, and some commentary on Radio One's plans for broadcasting video content on digital TV:
This is the first time Radio 1 has delivered visual content on demand for TV and takes the BBC's plans to visualise radio up a gear.