« February 2006 | Main | April 2006 »
The Guardian says OFCOM will be able to assess the BBC's market impact. Greg Dyke comments on the proposals on governance in particular.
The bloggers are out in force in advance of the BBC White Paper publication.
Here's Stephen Pollard.
And Mediawatchwatch.
And Laban at Biased-BBC.
OFCOMwatch had this interview with Select Committee Chair John Whittingdale last week.
The House of Lords' Committee on the BBC has reported. Here's the Guardian, and here's Ofcomwatch.
The issue making the headlines is the call for greater Parliamentary scrutiny over the setting of the licence fee.
Ofcomwatch clarifies the situation on mobile TV.
Gilligan attacks Marsh.
Is the BBC 'institutionally homophobic' as researchers claim?
The BBC may bring back the Play for Today.